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You are here: Home News Ammaar Bin Yaasir on Aa'ishah Being a Test for the Prophet's Companions Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Al-Dhahabi writes regarding Ammaar bin Yaasir (radiallaahu anhu):
حدثنا أبو نوفل بن أبي عقرب قال كان عمار بن ياسر قليل الكلام طويل السكوت وكان عامة قوله عائذ بالرحمن من فتنة عائذ بالرحمن من فتنة فعرضت له فتنة عظيمة الاعمش عن عبد الله بن زياد قال عمار إن أمنا يعني عائشة قد مضت لسبيلها وإنها لزوجته في الدنيا والاخرة ولكن الله ابتلانا بها ليعلم إياه نطيع أو إياها
Abu Nawfal bin Abee Aqrab narrated to us, saying: Ammaar bin Yaasir spoke little and was of much silence, and the generality of his speech was "I seek refuge in al-Rahmaan from tribulation, I seek refuge in al-Rahmaan from tribulation," for mighty tribulation came his way. [From] al-A'mash from Abd Allaah bin Ziyaad who said: Ammaar said, "Verily, our mother (meaning Aa'ishah) has passed on to her way, and she is his (the Prophet's) wife in this life and the hereafter, however, Allaah put us (the Companions) to trial by her so that He may know whether we obey Him or her. Al-Siyar (1/424). Ahl al-Sunnah remain silent on whatever happened between the Companions as whatever occurred was a trial and tribulation for them and their faith, and we believe they were the most superior of mankind after the Prophets, and the most superior of mankind are the ones put to trial the most. It is a disease to raise such controversies and spread them amongst the people.
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